Chris Matthews earns around $5 million dollars a year as an anchor and commentator on MSNBC, ‘Hardball’. A program of political commentary. In 2012, Chris Matthews is estimated to be worth $16 million. He wrangles pundits continuously with political discussions, and interrupts vehemently when they stray from his opinions. For a moderate conservative – he shows all the signs of a full time conservative both by his fortunes, and his political positions. His constant haranguing Bernie Sanders position as a Democratic Socialist is a carry over from his history in government and living in fear of any words which include socialism. It is obvious that he would prefer Mrs. Clinton with her connections to wall street, and the wealthy she dances with. Credibility is earned as a true journalist when a pundit adheres to a middle-of-the-road position. Chris Mathews is no longer capable of not showing his age, background, and wealth.